For small message presentations this rolling display sign boards are very effective than any other display systems. These are compact and economical for general applications. Rolling Displays are ideal for all type of commercial establishments like Hotels, Restaurants, Banks, Airports, and other such places to get maximum attention of people where vast amounts of information need to be conveyed to large audiences both quickly and efficiently, also in the world of indoor and outdoor displays.
These displays attract customers to watch the display with curiosity and your scrolling
Message also is conveyed simultaneously. Very good advertising results are obtained from these
Unique displays with latest technology.
This Project “PC Based Rolling Display Sign Board using Micro Controller” basically depends upon the micro controller and its software. There should be

The display unit should be able to display at least 4 characters at a time. The total message may be taken as maximum 40 characters. There should be provision for shifting of data from Right to Left. Each character requires 8 x 8 matrix display. So 64 LEDs are required for the displaying one character. Therefore total 256 LEDs are required for displaying 4 characters at a time.