This project aims at designing and executing the bomb ,fire and obstacle detection. The IR sensor is a pair sensors has a receiver and a transmitter sensor. The transmitter sends the, and if the receiver senses any of the transmitted signal it indicates the presence of an obstacle. If the receiver doesn’t sense any signal it indicates the absence of obstacle. If any obstacle is detected the robot will stop. This robot is fitted with motors. A micro controller is used to control all operations. According to the motor operations the robot will operate as specified in program. Whenever any fire is detected, the Buzzer will ON.
However, the microcontroller being used for the project has latched outputs and as such one does not have to keep the buttons on remote control passed for more than a few milliseconds. The working prototype of the land rover including remote is designed using micro controllers at both ends with appropriate code written in "C" language.
The programming language used for developing the software to the microcontroller is Embedded/Assembly. The KEIL cross compiler is used to edit, compile and debug this program. Micro Flash programmer is used for burning the developed code on Keil in to the microcontroller Chip. Here in our application we are using AT89C51 microcontroller which is Flash Programmable IC. At present the Atmel Corporation represents CMOS technology is used for designing the IC. This IC is one of the versions of 8051.