Friday, September 11, 2009


The main aim of our project is to implement a Home automation console that can be easily accessible from distant places through a simple web server running inside the home.
The basic functionalities in this proposed system includes automatic control of Lights and other electrical / electronic appliances. The circuit employed with the rabbit microcontroller (RCM-3700), with in built required components such as max -232 Ethernet phy, the external components involves the Ethernet (LAN) provided the rabbit microcontroller.
The goal of this project is to develop a home automation system that gives the user complete control over all remotely controllable aspects of his or her home. The automation system will have the ability to be controlled from a central host PC, and the Internet. The project to build an all in one home automation, security and monitoring solution. The functionality is categorized into different groups:
Communication functionality gives a node the ability communicate with other nodes or with the outside world (using the internet / phone line / SMS)
Sensor functionality enables a node to measure physical world parameters like temperature, power consumption endangers sensing etc.
Controller functionality enable a node to control equipment around the house. This can including switching on/off appliances, opening/locking a door.
The functionality enable nodes to interface with the user using physical interface and virtual interface. A physical interface could be a LCD display, keypad, LEDs etc. Virtual interfaces include web / mobile based interfaces. Objective is to
Intelligence: Habitat shall be able to take decisions on its own based on its learning from its user behavior. Easy to deploy and use, Open source , Strong focus on communication within the network and to the outside world using the Internet.


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