Monday, April 15, 2013

Signals -analog and digital

Signal is nothing but information carrier and it has many forms .Here I want to explain about electrical signals in analog and digital.
Analog is in continuos signal in time domain,in simple terms a speech signal is continuos if a singer is singing a song.Offcourse there wont be any signal if singer stops singing.Intial days the data is transmitted in the form of analog.This is prone to noise and accuracy is low.
Digital signal is in the form of 1's and 0's i.e, combination of 1's and 0's.Suppose I want digital represenation of word "hello".In the ascii format "h,e,l,l,o" is represented as "72,69,76,76,79" decimal.This is converted to binary and can be processed furthur as modern day DSP algorithms do.If the data is transmitted after encrypting like olleh instead "hello".This brings lot of information security and easy processing.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Basic things to start the electronics project

We need a multimeter to measure voltage(Alternating and Direct),current,resistance,capacitance.This is very useful to rectify the errors in the electrical circuits in the home as well as in the electronic devices.
A soldering rod is required to start fixing the components on to the PCB
Lead is useful like gum sticking the things, similarly the components on to the PCB which is heated by the soldering rod and put on the board.
Flux(paste) acts as additive or catelyst in putting hot Lead on to the board which clubs the circuit end points and the board.
Wiring is one more thing which should be kept aside while working with devices.Mainly the copper wires are taken here.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


In the project design and development of footsteps based energy for street lights consists of pressure transducer, relay, comparator, battery, Real Time Clock(RTC), micro controller, street light.

The main aim of this project is to generate the energy through the pressure generated by footsteps.This micro controller setup is placed at foot path when a person walking along the foot path the footsteps of the person generates some pressure and that pressure generated by the person is noted down by the pressure transducer connected to the micro controller the pressure generated at the transducer is converted into the electrical energy and that energy is stored into the battery connected to it.
This energy can be used to the street light to turn it on during night times the street light can be switch on automatically without any human effort by simply setting on and off time in RTC. By using this we can develop extra energy without wasting the other resources.
Lot of energy is wasted for the street lights as they don’t switch off at the right time and if this project is implemented in areas where there is lot of pedestrian floating in busy areas and railway stations, power is cost effectively saved as there will be no need of separate power supply from the power stations to the street lights.

SOFTWARE: Embedded ‘C’ language.
TOOLS:Keil, Flash magic
TARGET DEVICE: 8051 Microcontroller
APPLICATIONS: Used on roads to generate energy.
REFERENCE: The 8051 micro controller and embedded systems by Mazidi.


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